The Parent & Family Resource



Over the past few months I have been working on a resource for parents and families (the Parent & Family Resource). It is a series of videos discussing Principles of Divine Truth as applied to parenting, family relationships and dynamics.

The first videos in the Parent & Family Resource cover basics of Divine Truth (as taught by Jesus & Mary) including terminology and various other Divine Truth material that is referenced in the Parent & Family Resource.

The first videos have now been published on YouTube and are ready for you to watch at YouTube channel.

There are a number of other videos that I am currently editing and I intend to produce further videos to add to the resource over the coming months. I hope you find the resource useful.

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Parent Reflections: Sex & Relationship Education

This post was written 30 May 2018 but didn’t get published till now (December 2020).

Curiosity is a quality that leads to the discovery of new things. And personal experience is a most memorable teacher. Depending on personal choice (and often external influences) curiosity can either lead to positive growth towards love or can take us in the opposite direction – away from love. As a parent there are many opportunities to be a positive influence in a child’s/children’s life and simultaneously learn about love or our lack of it, as children ask questions and seek answers.

In our family, when the children’s curiosity naturally brought them to ask about sex I saw an opportunity and the potential for a truthful discussion about loving relationships and a variety of other topics, including: love, soulmates, soulmate romantic relationships, morality, sexuality, emotional connection, love and respecting their bodies and the nuts and bolts of the sex act itself (taking into account the children’s desire to know and my understanding of those subjects at the time).

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Update: Experiment Self-Responsibility, January to February 2019

In the introductory post to ‘experiment self-responsibility I introduced readers to a family experiment I have begun.

To read the introductory post press this link.

In brief there are some issues in our family that were not changing and I made the decision to take action to change them. This is because in our family conversations and talking makes no change, it is only action that anyone responds to.

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Reflections: Childbirth

Reflections on the birthing process

In my experience birth is a natural process that ‘just happens’ if you let it. When I say ‘just happens’ the inbuilt intelligence (instinct) in my body took over during the birthing process and did what it was designed to do, have a baby. This was the same with pregnancy, I had sex and then a whole lot of amazing processes happened that allowed a baby human’s physical body to grow and develop inside my body for 9 months.

God did the designing and creating and I experienced His incredible handiwork and still do not understand exactly how everything was created, developed and happened.

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Experiment: Operation Self-Responsibility

The children are moving out of the house and into their first homes (a tent set up) tomorrow. Each child has purchased a tent setup that will be their home until they go through an attitude shift (an emotional change) in regards to caring for the shared environment and love of others (in basic terms clean and care for their personal and shared living environment and not expect others (mum in this case) to do everything for them, and to see how their choices and actions are causing unloving situations in their lives).

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Having Children Did Not Make Me a Real Woman

Before I had children I had the false belief that having children would make me a ‘real woman’.
I thought being a mum was my only role, purpose and destiny in life. I thought that once I was married and had children my purpose as a woman would be fulfilled and life would be perfect like in a hallmark movie. I believed that somehow having children would magically fix everything in my life and make me feel great.

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Developing Relationships: Family Meetings/Debriefs


kids experiment with fire

Developing relationships

In December 2017 I realised that I wasn’t communicating with the children and I wasn’t taking the time to get to know them or giving them the opportunity to express how they were really feeling or what they were thinking. I also noticed a gap in their communication skills and interpersonal interaction. Partly this is due to the self-absorbed-ness we (the parents) have encouraged in them and part of it is due to their lack of education in how to actually interact with other people.

I felt it was important to begin a process of correcting the lack of education from myself and over the past 5 months we have began to have what I call “family meetings” or “debriefs”. Continue reading