The Parent & Family Resource



Over the past few months I have been working on a resource for parents and families (the Parent & Family Resource). It is a series of videos discussing Principles of Divine Truth as applied to parenting, family relationships and dynamics.

The first videos in the Parent & Family Resource cover basics of Divine Truth (as taught by Jesus & Mary) including terminology and various other Divine Truth material that is referenced in the Parent & Family Resource.

The first videos have now been published on YouTube and are ready for you to watch at YouTube channel.

There are a number of other videos that I am currently editing and I intend to produce further videos to add to the resource over the coming months. I hope you find the resource useful.

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Parent Reflections: Sex & Relationship Education

This post was written 30 May 2018 but didn’t get published till now (December 2020).

Curiosity is a quality that leads to the discovery of new things. And personal experience is a most memorable teacher. Depending on personal choice (and often external influences) curiosity can either lead to positive growth towards love or can take us in the opposite direction – away from love. As a parent there are many opportunities to be a positive influence in a child’s/children’s life and simultaneously learn about love or our lack of it, as children ask questions and seek answers.

In our family, when the children’s curiosity naturally brought them to ask about sex I saw an opportunity and the potential for a truthful discussion about loving relationships and a variety of other topics, including: love, soulmates, soulmate romantic relationships, morality, sexuality, emotional connection, love and respecting their bodies and the nuts and bolts of the sex act itself (taking into account the children’s desire to know and my understanding of those subjects at the time).

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Experiment: Operation Self-Responsibility

The children are moving out of the house and into their first homes (a tent set up) tomorrow. Each child has purchased a tent setup that will be their home until they go through an attitude shift (an emotional change) in regards to caring for the shared environment and love of others (in basic terms clean and care for their personal and shared living environment and not expect others (mum in this case) to do everything for them, and to see how their choices and actions are causing unloving situations in their lives).

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March 2018 Update From Eloisa

Hi Everyone!

Firstly I want to thank those of you who donate to me regularly or from time to time. Your donations they are most appreciated.

Currently the donations you contribute I allocate to and/or spend on equipment or materials for projects (such as covering costs including tools & resources for environmental projects or the Volunteer Selection Project) or they contribute to my basic living costs.

I am grateful to Jesus for providing the opportunities I am involved in and which generate the donations I receive.

Website updates

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Developing Relationships: Family Meetings/Debriefs


kids experiment with fire

Developing relationships

In December 2017 I realised that I wasn’t communicating with the children and I wasn’t taking the time to get to know them or giving them the opportunity to express how they were really feeling or what they were thinking. I also noticed a gap in their communication skills and interpersonal interaction. Partly this is due to the self-absorbed-ness we (the parents) have encouraged in them and part of it is due to their lack of education in how to actually interact with other people.

I felt it was important to begin a process of correcting the lack of education from myself and over the past 5 months we have began to have what I call “family meetings” or “debriefs”. Continue reading

Parenting Experiment

***This post was updated on the 2nd September 2017, to be more transparent about some of the emotional dynamics being played out within the family


The following is post is about two experiments I was involved in.

The first experiment was a family experiment between Pete and myself.

The second was a parenting experiment to discover the addictions I have created between myself and the kids, and to challenge addictions in myself and the children during the month.

Following you will find:

  1. A brief reflection of the family experiment
  2. An outline of the parenting experiment including some benefits, the details of what, who, where, when and why. Some of my personal reflections & learning during the experiment and a summary of where I am heading next.

After the “official” experiments ended I decided to continuing them as the first month I only began to become a little more aware of what is really going on in the family dynamic, I have yet to emotionally work through the causal reasons why our family is like it currently is.

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‘At Our House’ – A Story about Loving Restriction

20170527 Note to Reader:

My friend Mary gave me some feedback on some issues with this story not being completely truthful. I want to correct this before sharing it.

Because I want the story to be a truthful representation of what happened and our family dynamic at the time I have temporarily removed the links to this story as there are some modifications I need to make.

It is very important to me that it accurately reflect Parents responsibility in what happens in a house hold. For example how Parents unhealed emotional injuries are reflected by children and it is the parents unhealed emotions that attract spirit influence. In the story I was blaming spirits rather than portraying how the influence happens.

There were some fundamental errors in what I wrote mainly in that it is not clear enough that personal responsibility and working emotionally through everything out of harmony with love within yourself (the parent) is what changes the family dynamic the most.

The book was suggesting that spirits are entirely responsible for children making mischief, this is not true or accurate.

There is a combination of factors that create the dynamic. In our house the reason that the children acted out as they did and the spirit influence was so great was due to a combination of fears Pete and I had (some we still have) that we were refusing to feel about and the law of attraction at work to help us to work through these.

As I have emotionally worked through some personal issues things have improved in our home. The improvement is due to me (the adult) emotionally releasing some false beliefs, being truthful and honest and beginning a process of feeling how I really feel. I then choose to uphold love more and it is my choices becoming more in harmony with love that are making the difference.

It was due to me being told the truth by Jesus & Mary, my choice to be truthful about my soul condition to myself and experiment with God’s truth that caused things to begin to change.

Our personal choices and taking personal responsibility are paramount in what happens in our life! I want this story to reflect that and currently it doesn’t, so I am editing it.



I wrote a children’s book a couple of years ago (2015) and am sharing it as a pdf (link to come).

It is titled:

At Our House – A Story about Loving Restriction

I have done it as a pdf so you can print it and make it into a book if you want to. If you print it out on heavier duty paper, double sided with the short edge binding option (landscape) it ought to print out neatly and be able to be bound or stapled on the left hand edge.

I have also attached some brief notes to parents about loving restriction & Spirit Influence which can be found in the second pdf

At Our House’ Story, link below (the download size is 74MB). This is the one to print if you are going to make it into a book:

20170323-ELH-KIDS-BOOK-At Our House

A Lower resolution version for online viewing & emailing (download size  MB) link below:

20170423-ELH-KIDS-BOOK-At Our House – Low quality

Note to Parents & Caregivers about the story,  (download size 34KB) link below:

2014_childrens_story_notes_to_parentscaregivers from Eloisa

You are welcome to share this story with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed.

I hope you & the children who read or listen to this story enjoy it.



I have added some Links below to Divine Truth Information if you are interested in finding out more

YouTube Channel

Divine Truth FAQ’s

Divine Truth Clips

If you type in the subject you are interested in in the search menu (little magnify glass symbol) on the YouTube channel you will find a lot of information on a variety of subject matter.

God, God’s Truth & God’s Love

Growing Personal Relationship with God

Spirit Influence



Illustration from ‘At Our House’, by Eloisa

Self Reflective Parenting – Part 2:

God's Way

Sourced from personal Notes dated 20140617

A snippet of what I found out personally about how I feel about ‘parenting’ and some of my experiences and discoveries during that process…


My life now in comparison to five years ago is different in a few areas, especially in regards to children. I am happier, less tired, have actually experienced joy. I am able to do things I want to do at times. I enjoy hanging out with the kids. I want to. It doesn’t feel like such a chore. I am desiring more and more to teach them to look after themselves rather than being ‘mummy dependent’. I can hold a conversation with someone, our house is not a total mess all of the time now, the kids wash their own dishes – still needs work. They dress themselves, make their own lunches and breakfasts. We go shopping and it takes…

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