Mediumship with Gregor: Compensation in the Spirit World

Thank you to Jesus, Mary and Gregor for the gift of this mediumship.

Notes Along The Way

During a recent informal discussion with God’s Way Ltd members, volunteers and probation volunteers we spoke with a spirit, Gregor, about his progress in the spirit world. We had been discussing with the group how Compensation operates in the spirit world.

Jesus had explained that when we enter the spirit world a record of our lives is presented to us; literally played before our eyes. This record is displayed until the workings of the Law of Compensation are fulfilled or until the person engages the repentance process (via the Law of Repentance) with God.

Photos in this post are of lunch discussions on God’s Way Ltd volunteer days. Gregor came to visit and speak during one such discussion.


Mary channels Gregor, a fifth sphere spirit who describes his progress in the spirit world.

Gregor first describes his life on Earth, his location when he first arrived in the spirit…

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Benefits of Being Truthful


Being Truthful* encourages others to be Truthful.

Truthful, Love* based words, thoughts, actions, deeds, intentions and motivations have huge potential to create positive change.

Note: Love and Truth are linked when I mention Truth in this post.

Being Truthful creates opportunity for others to be truthful.

Being Truthful is real.

Being Truthful brings relief.

Being Truthful simplifies life.

Being Truthful brings up emotion, which when allowed to flow and be experienced fully has the possibility to change your soul condition.

Being Truthful encourages emotion.

Living a Love based Truthful life creates change in a positive direction for self and others.

Honouring God’s Truth helps me feel less resentful.

Without Truth nothing can change. Continue reading

Reflections on Truth and Children

Yabby Creek Adventure, Kids checking out rocks and insects, 12 March, 2014

Yabby Creek Adventure, Kids checking out rocks and insects, 12 March, 2014

I am beginning to look at what I am teaching through my actions. Not what I say or what I want to believe. All that is meaningless in comparison to my true feelings and the actions I take. My actions are what do the teaching. If what I say does not match up with what I do I am being hypocritical.

I often ask myself: ‘What am I demonstrating right now through my actions?’ Am I honoring Love and Truth or am I way off with that?

And if the kids are around I ask myself: ‘What are they being taught right now through what I am doing and feeling, or not doing and not feeling?’

I feel being truthful is so important – both personal truth and sharing what you know about God’s Truth or The Truth (Universal Truth – If you don’t know anything, don’t pretend you do).

I often feel parents are reluctant and often fear being truthful about their feelings and about most things with children. Particularly in regards to what we class as ‘grown up issues’, example: divorce, sexual abuse, sexuality, and anything else parents deem ‘inappropriate for children’.

I feel that withholding the truth or lying to kids is so damaging. It is also really condescending as we we don’t believe children can ‘handle’ the truth, I often hear people minimizing, justifying or watering down answers to very frankly asked questions from children.

Kids can handle Truth, often better than adults. It is us as adults who find the truth challenging and we put this onto kids rather than allowing them to feel about the truth and feel what they feel. I notice this so often when children just come out and say things and the adults around them freak out, dismiss them, get condescending or brush them aside, particularly in public. I reckon this would feel terrible for a child.

When we feel this way and are untruthful with children we are teaching them to do the same. We undermine their feelings and teach them to distrust themselves and their experiences, this is very damaging.

I don’t agree with dumping emotions or incestuously sharing or involving children in a parents/adults emotional processes, issues or relationships, this is damaging and not being loving or truthful either. Being truthful is answering children’s questions directly and being honest with what is going on, particularly when it is happening to them or around them.

 When children ask questions is the perfect time to share information because they* are demonstrating a desire to know.

I cannot agree that the truth is damaging, I feel untruths are damaging! Being Truthful may cause emotional responses and I have heard, if these are let to fully run their course and flow out then there will be no emotional damage left in the end.

The Truth is always loving and has huge potential to heal when delivered with love.

I often think about how we re-name body parts or bodily functions as anything but their real names, or about death and how parents/adults lie and make up stuff to tell children that is not true, it is dishonest and about the parents fears not about the best interests of the child. Also most often parents have been mis-educated about death and have not experienced it – yet – so they have no idea and cannot actually tell a child what happens because they do not know.

Children are generally much more open than adults and in my experience if things are logically explained they accept them, ask lots of questions (many of which we don’t know and can’t answer, which we also need to be honest about) or feel through them without much resistance if there is not opposition from the parents emotional stance.

Our reluctance to be truthful with children is hypocritical. If we are lying to our children we can not expect them to be honest with us or themselves. How can we expect this if we are unwilling to be emotionally honest with ourselves and others? Our actions are hypocritical when we expect others to do what we are not willing to do ourselves.

If we desire others to be truthful with us, we also need to be truthful with ourselves and others.

We cannot ask our children to do what we are unprepared to do ourselves.

Being truthful is loving. When a child can trust you to be truthful with them they are more likely to be truthful with you. They are also more likely to come to you and ask advice and actually listen to you because they know you will stand up for (God’s) Truth and Love – this is a very powerful thing!

If they know you lie or withhold truth (a form of lying) they will also reflect this and we are responsible for creating children who also lie and withhold the truth. If a child is lying I feel it is about us not wanting to hear the truth, or them feeling unsafe to tell the truth, or it could be manipulating which they would have learnt from us also – either that they can do so because we are open to being manipulated, and/or because we manipulate so they learn to do so (it could be other reasons too). Either way they are reflecting back to us our stuff – which is pretty awesome when I think about it, as it gives us an opportunity to see ourselves ‘warts and all’ and the opportunity to change and grow in a positive direction.

Parents I notice like to blame kids and make what is happening with children about the child/ren rather than taking personal responsibility for what they, as the parent/caregiver, have created and taught the kids. In my opinion kids reflect their environment, which includes parents and then learn to be what they become – which is most cases is taught by their parents. 

I feel parent’s get afraid of what is going to happen if they are truthful or that it will reflect badly on them or something, really I reckon it is about adults wanting to protect their feelings and avoid their own emotions.

As a kid you feel what is going on around you all the time and when personal truth is told it confirms the feelings you are having and honors your experience rather than feeling that you must be wrong because mum and dad are saying the opposite to what you feel and/or what is being experiencing is untrue. The lack of truth and love causes a lot of sadness in children.

If you can share how to discover God’s Truth  and how God’s Laws work with children, I feel this is super powerful because then they learn about Truth and Love for themselves and know that personal truth is not necessarily in harmony with God’s Truth and what God views as loving.

Knowing the truth and knowing that your parent is truthful with you builds trust and enables you to make decisions based on your own feelings and assessments and experiences, this actually builds sense of self in a positive way.

My parents withheld the truth and it has been very damaging. They didn’t want to be truthful themselves and it is devastating to find out later that you were lied too and your parents didn’t love you enough to honor Love and Truth and the principle of the thing, particularly in abusive situations.

I encourage you to be truthful with yourself and others! To be brave and to stand up for Love and God’s/universal Truth!

* When children are heavily spirit influenced, mediumistic, overcloaked, they can become a channel for spirits to ask questions. I mention this as there was a time when our kids were very out of body and often spirits would ask questions through the kids – (this attraction was due to Pete and my fears about spirits and our unhealed emotions which left the kids unprotected and totally open to spirit influence). This feels different to most of the questions they ask now, which I feel reflect their desires more rather than spirits who were/are with them.


A Great Padgett Message

12 Jan 1915

Helen: Confirms writing and is a go-between for Taggart and Harvey.

I am here, Helen:

You must not write to these spirits as we have told you – Yes he said that he knew you on earth and wanted you to help him. I see that he has gone to seek Mr. Taggart, but I don’t think that he will be much helped. Yes you may be right, you certainly have a way of accomplishing things. I never thought of that. Well, I will go and see if I can find them, and make them come here, and write you what I hear.

They are here:

Mr. Taggart tells Mr. Harvey that you told him that the way to get out of this condition of darkness and unhappiness is to pray to God, for His Love to enter into their hearts, and believe that it will, that if he will only be willing to have it come into their hearts, it will, but that he has not yet been able to believe. But Mr. Harvey says, that when he was on earth, he was a strict Catholic and that he often prayed something like that and attended to his duties, and even when he made his will, he left some money for the priests to pray him out of purgatory, but all their prayers together have not helped him, and he don’t believe that there is any God to whom a person can pray and from whom he can get relief – so that when you talked that way to Taggart, you were merely trying to mislead him as the priests did him. But Mr. Taggart says: George you are wrong there, for our friend does not merely say pray, but he prays with us and for us and seems to believe with all his heart that there is a God and that he will answer prayer. So I am not so certain that there is not a God and one who answers prayers, I am going to try to pray and believe myself and I advise you to do likewise.

Mr. Harvey says:

Taggart it is all nonsense, and if that is the only way we can get out of this condition, we never will be any better than we now are – so you need not tell me of God and prayer.

Mr. Taggart says:

George, I have seen the effect of this prayer on some spirits and I know that they have been made more beautiful and happy, and even Mackay is commencing to say that he sees light ahead and has felt some strange influences come into his heart as he said a prayer, which he promised our friend to say. Now what is the use in your being pig headed and say that there is no God, when you don’t know anything about it. I tell you though, there must be something in this belief or I would not see so many happy spirits around us. Be a man who can keep his mind open to what he sees and the reasons therefore may come to you. Let us not become hardheaded in this matter. As you were so easy to believe on earth what your priests told you about purgatory and the hells and the necessity for you to pay for prayers to help you out of purgatory, why can’t you try to believe a little when the same thing is told you without your having to pay for it? I am going to try my best to believe and if you know what is best for you, you will follow suit.

Mr. Harvey, says:

Taggart, what is the use of being fooled twice, once is enough for me. Priests are here with me and suffering more than I am, and when I ask them why don’t they pray themselves out of purgatory, they say: “To hell with prayer.” Now how am I to believe anything that is told me about prayer or God?

Mr. Taggart says:

George, Let your priests and their sufferings and their cursings pass out of your mind, and listen to me for a moment. When I came over, I was in great darkness and despair, and believed that there was no possible help for me and that I must remain in the condition of darkness that I found myself in, but one day I was called to meet our friend by his father, and when I came where he was I found that Mackay was there also, and then we exchanged greetings, and wished each other happiness. But I found that there was no happiness for me and I told our friend that I was anything but happy; and he said believe in God’s Love and you will soon be, and I said, who is God and what is His Love; and then he explained to Mackay what that love is, and I heard it all; and then I tackled him and told him that God was a myth and prayer was nothing but the wish of a man and went no higher than his mind.

But he would not agree with me and we had an argument right then and there, and I tell you that while he did not convince me that there was a God or any efficacy in prayer, yet it made me think and wonder if I could be wrong and he right; and before I left him, not only Mackay, but myself promised that we would try an experiment in the nature of prayer and we have been doing it many times since, and I tell you, that while I am not yet convinced that there is a God, or that prayer to Him will take us out of our awful conditions of suffering and darkness, yet I have felt many strange sensations, and at times, some little feeling of happiness, which I had never felt before; so you can see, I would be a fool not to try and get this relief, if I possibly can. And I want to tell you George, that if you are willing to make the effort with us we will be glad to have you come. Of course you need not believe if you don’t want to, but just come and join with us in our experiment and you will soon realize that there is something operating that you cannot account for. Mackay is now feeling very much happier he says; and I believe that he will soon believe in this God and his love that our friend told us about; at any rate he is commencing to improve in his appearance, and I attribute it to trying the experiment I told you of. So what is the use in holding back and saying that there is no God and no love that can get you out of your condition of which you complain so much, when by the exercise of a little reason and will, you may be on the right track to salvation. Of course I don’t know just what this may lead to, but I have determined to follow it to a conclusion, and you will be a big fool if you don’t go with me.

Mr. Harvey said:

Taggart, you were a pretty level-headed man when on earth, and required to have things proved to you, and were really a stubborn man as I know, and what you say impresses me; but you will have to show me what you mean by this experiment. You have not told me what you mean, and of course, until you do, I can’t follow you.

Mr. Taggart says:

George, it is a very simple thing. Mackay and I told our friend that we did not believe in God or in his love or in any saviour, and he said; you need not, to do what I want you to try. He said, while there is a God and His love which is the only thing that can save you from sin and make you happy men, yet that God does not force that love on you or make you believe in Him; and only when you are willing to receive that love of your own volition will it come to you. So you see he said it all depends upon your own will, whether you will have that love and the happiness which flows from it or not, and if you will only will that you may believe in God if there be one, and that you may receive that love if such there be, then if you will, will this and say to God, if there be one, that you will that this love shall come into your heart and that this belief shall come into your mind, and repeat this with all earnestness and will, you will find that after a little while, this belief will come to you, and this love will come into your heart. So Mackay and I are desiring to try anything to get out of our condition, and believing that our friend would not intentionally deceive us, promised to say these things, and in that way pray to a God that we did not believe in; and we have continued to repeat these thoughts ever since; and I must confess to you that some strange change or sensation has come to me. What it is, I don’t just know, but it is there; and I am determined to continue in this qualified prayer, until I know one way or the other what the result will be. So you see, George, if it does no good, it can do no harm, and if you have desire enough to get out of your condition, you will try the experiment.

Mr. Harvey says:

Well Taggart, there may be something in what you say and I am willing to go with you; for as you say, if it does no good, it can do no harm. So let me hear again what I am to say and I will commence.

Then Mr. Taggart repeated the prayer and they left.

You are too wonderful in your way of getting the attention of spirits who are in darkness to turn their thoughts to things that may help them. And I am so glad that you are helping these spirits, even though you did let Mr. Harvey write. But who knows, maybe such interferences are intended for some good purposes.

So my darling, I love you with all my heart and soul, and must stop writing.

Yes, I will, and will try to talk to him sometime when the proper occasion comes.

So goodnight, my own darling Ned.


Note: References message from Harvey (PJE19150112B).

Index: PJE19150112C
Author: Helen Padgett/Taggart/Harvey
Receiver: James E. Padgett
Location: Washington D.C.
Date: 12 Jan 1915
Sources: True Gospel, Vol IV, page 244


Furphies* are something I was introduced to some 6-7 years ago by my gorgeous man Pete. I thought he was making the word up at first and then I found out it meant rumour/gossip/ ‘lies or lying’/stretching or diminishing the truth depending on what you want others to believe or hear or telling untruths {bull s#@t*} – I have adopted the word in a big way as I think it sounds pretty cool. (It is Australian slang. Note about Australian slang, it has some pretty funny words and sayings in it and I still don’t really ‘get it’ so have to have the ‘joke’ explained to me quite a lot – actually come to think of it, most jokes I need to have explained as I don’t seem to ‘get them’).

Anyway the thing about furphies is that I have noticed how many I tell myself and then tell others attempting to convince them and myself I am telling the Truth and am a really Truthful person. What I see in myself is that actually I have not been true to myself, others or you often (if you have read this blog) I have wanted or momentarily felt something, blogged it and then not followed through to the cause of it and really made the heart changes. Or I have loved the thought and momentarily feeling and it has been there but not permanently.

I have blogged a bit about a few things that I felt I had ‘gotten’ or ‘understood’ but to be quite frank I have realised it is all a furphy. I have no real true experience in many areas what so ever. I have done a lot of talking, a lot of thinking and a lot of talking and thinking about experimenting and actually I have no idea really about how to go about the experiment as I am still writing it all down in my journal rather than trying it for myself and taking actions. (It is not quite true I have no idea about experimenting, it is just I haven’t really truly conducted the soul experiments – Yet).

So why i share this rather speilish speil. I was in a batch of bad self punishment for four days last week, totally high flying with my chocolate cake and everything around me as I sit typing looks like a bomb site (I would photograph it for you and stick it up here but my camera has broken and I feel pretty embarassed about how bad it gets). It felt terrible too for myself and everyone around me, bar the spirits who were laughing at me for doing what they wanted without any protest from myself what-so-ever.

During this very negative soul degrading time I was sitting on the loo**  reading Brene Brown’s ‘The Gift of Imperfection’ (I felt the title indicated the book was personally for me as one who feels they should*** be perfect NOW and I felt that I ought to find out what was good about being imperfect so that I might strive for perfection while accepting that I am imperfect right at this time in God’s view) and she was talking about play and fun. Now reading it I felt VERY uncomfortable! In fact I decided to almost skip the chapter. Then I reflected to myself ‘wow you have some big issues with play and fun’`. The thoughts have been sitting there all week and I was talking to a therapist and what does she come out and say to me? ‘Eloisa how much do you have fun? Do you play with your kids often? Do you schedule time with your man to just have fun and play?’

Well what do you know? I said ‘funny you mention that as I have been thinking about it quite a bit this week, I even looked up the institute of play‘ (thinking I could intellectually get some sort of play instructions and tips- hee hee). I just felt depressed about it to be honest and had the feeling that I didn’t want to play, I didn’t want to have fun, it was all a waste of time and I didn’t have a fun, joyful feelings in me what-so-ever, so what was the point? (Imagine a really pouty version of myself standing in a really fun-to-everybody-else-place stamping a little foot and saying, ‘fun, I don’t do fun, my life is not FUN, it is too serious, I am too bad to have fun, I can only have fun when – this, when-that…very grumpy little rumpled-stilt-skined type)  I can get pretty negative pretty fast about things.

So I gave up trying in my head. In fact I gave up thinking about it and then just like that, last night these really cheeky feelings started creeping in. I wanted to write things honestly but with some humour – because really they were quite funny in hindsight, I actually giggled and annoyed Pete by telling him jokes that were not funny. And I blogged a pretty hilarious comment on Mary’s blog that cracked her up (I was a bit shocked someone else found me amusing too) and cracked me up as I wrote it – but were true and what I have literally been doing. And suddenly it dawned on me that somewhere inside of me there might be a bit of funny-ness and that it could be a possibility in my personality and that I have been missing out somewhat BIG time on all the great feelings (I am not too excited as all the horrid feelings haven’t been released yet BUT I felt some HOPE which has not been there for what feels like a very long time). I have to say I am still feeling a bit shocked and scared it will disappear and I will be left all depressed again.

And here is what I realised. I don’t know how I got there or why it came up, I want to be able to ‘replicate’ it and ‘bring it on’ but I don’t actually feel feelings are actually like that now I am investigating my own feelings for myself. The only thing I can link to this is a few days ago when I was trying to make nice with my brother rather than be truthful I sat down on the couch and said:

‘Eloisa how do you really truly feel about this? how do you really, really feel inside of yourself, not what you think you should feel, not what others have told you you should feel or told you is the right way to feel, but what do you feel?’ And I felt it. I was angry, bitter, hateful, and then really… really… really… sad. And that was true. It still is – for now.

So I wrote how I really felt as lovingly as I could and it was like magic, the self punishment stopped and I was able to get a bit of perspective and then some hours later the fun bit of me came out and I hadn’t even ‘tried’ for anything. All I had been was real with myself and stopped telling myself the furphies about how great it all is, how well or not well I am doing, how dedicated I am and that it will all work out and what a fabulous relationship I have with my family – ‘cos the truth is I don’t have a relationship with them at all at this time and there is really no point in pretending I do as that is one big furphy!!

So to sum it all up, I am going to set my intention to get real about how I feel and catch those little, big, fat and thin, nasty and pretending to be nice furphies that I send flying about and examine them closely, find out about them and why I want them so bad in my life. Why I want the furphies instead of the Truths and see if a little bit of that cheeky, fun, funny part of myself can come and play again.

*I thought it was spelt pherfie, sounds like ‘fur – fee’ turns out to be officially

Furphy (Definition from Australian Dictionary link)

Also spelt, furfie: a false or an unreliable rumour or a yarn. [bull shit]

Just for interest (noun a rumor; Derived from the battle fields of World War I, where rumors seems to follow the water carts which were manufactured in Australia by the Furphy company. The US Navy term: “scuttlebutt” also defines a water keg as well as a rumor. Aboard ship was the water keg, where seamen would at times pass on the latest rumors and news amongst each other as they took time to refresh themselves with a drink. )

**I do a lot of reading on the loo as it is pretty much the only time I make for myself on some days.

*** the perfect I feel I should be is perfect for mum, dad, family and what they think I should be and my extremely critical inner judgemental self who thinks nothing I do never ever good enough (she doesn’t believe God loves her much or that God can help her out). I am more than a bit annoyed at what was created in me when I was a kid right now and am harbouring some dark emotions so feel I will leave that for some time in the future when I have actually done something about those and give you some helpful information in surrender and overwhelm.

Right now I can’t give you anything in any of those areas as I haven’t personally experienced them and I don’t think in my heart I even feel like they are such a good idea sometimes. (Imagine a very shrewed shrewish person sitting looking out of my head probably with pointy nose and glasses (looks like me but pointier nose and VERY studious and know-it-all-ee) saying, with a very elocuted accent ‘eloisa quite frankly I don’t think you need any overwhelm what so ever in your life, controlled, steady, just breathe, you are F-I-N-E…’ This is the unhelpful person I listen to often.

On the other side is this lovely gentle soft beautiful creature who lovingly and firmly reminds me, with a joke or two, and many loving smiles that I need to allow myself to be overwhelmed and surrender to all that comes up and allow it out and that way I will heal (she wholeheartedly believes in God, loves God and has God’s love in her soul so she actually KNOWS about it and is telling the Truth). She also tells me that I CAN receive God’s love and God DOES love me and all I need to do is grow some faith and pray much, much more and grow a true desire for God in my heart. It’s that simple anyone can do it!!! Absolutely anyone and that includes yours-truly – ME!