April 2022: Gratitude


I am so grateful for the donations that have been given to me!

Thank you to Jesus & Mary who recently published a post titled ‘Work of Generous Individuals’ on their blog. It was a post about Catherine, Corny (David Walsh), Kate & myself and some of the things that we contribute to God’s Way and Divine Truth organisations as volunteers.

I am grateful to everyone who has made a donation/s inspired by this post. Many of you I have never met and your contributions and desire to donate to me so I can continue to volunteer full time are most appreciated – Thank you!
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Thank You! March 2019


Thank you to those of you who make one off or regular donations to me. Every donation is appreciated and I feel so grateful for the donations you give that contribute to me being able to volunteer full time for two organisations (Divine Truth & God’s Way Ltd.) that I whole heartedly believe in.

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